Hi there, I'm Celina Nunez!

I am a Front End Developer from New Jersey.


Rogue Picking site

Rogue Pickings

Go from design comp to completed food website using HTML & CSS skills. A static website has now become a responsive design.

Skills: CSS3, Flexbox, HTML5, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: GitHub, Text editors

live page
Unplugged Retreat Site

Unplugged Retreat

Building a 3-page responsive website from a design comp that adapts to mobile, tablet, and desktop screens.

Skills: CSS3, Flexbox, HTML5, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: GitHub, Text editors

live page
Sticky Notes Project

Sticky Notes

Created an interactive app that will let users create “sticky notes” on their computer to keep track of to-do items.

Skills: React, JSX, ES6, Managing data flow,Manipulate the DOM

Tools: CodeSandbox, Props, State

live page
Name Tag Generator Project

Name Tag Generator

Building a name tag generator to create bulk name tags using functional components and ES6 modules.

Skills: ES6, JSX, Managing data flow

Tools: CodeSandbox

live page






Responsive web development

Git and GitHub

Tech Tools



Chrome DevTools

Text Editors


Hi! I'm Celina Nunez.

I'm a Front End Developer, creator of art that you interact with.

Before my tech adventure started I felt uninspired and lacking passion. But when a light bulb went off in my head, that is when I knew what the next chapter in my life would be. Coding! I have always thought of myself as a creative problem-solver, always ready to jump in and help someone see a better perspective. When it is time to wind down from coding I enjoy spending my days being active and silly with my Australian and Irish doodles.

This will be an exciting journey!